How to Reset your portal password

I stumbled at this article online today and now decided to share it with my fellow colleagues  on how to reset your portal password. though, have not tried it. sometimes you might forget your password and without your password you cannot get access to your personal portal.
I visited one of the study center, I met some people complaining about their password to enable them to get access to their portal. But the issue was most of them, has forgotten their password.
So am here to share this information in other to help others, people who are having such issues.

So here are the easier way to get your password back
For this information to be very helpful to you, you most know your email address details.
Note: the email address that you used in your portal Registration, you most know the password to that email address.
Alright let start, enter the website below
After that when it’s open, it’s will now ask you to fill in your details
Username or email address
Password reset instructions will be sent to your registered email address

After that click Submit, then your password resetting details will be sent to your email address,
from there you will now have access to a new password.
Well and done, I hope it’s helpful to someone.
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