How to overcome difficult lecturers

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Many lecturers unnecessarily seem to be difficult, tough and impossible. Sometimes, you are forced to wonder how the wife and children of such lecturers cope with them. In the next few lines, I want to show you some simple steps on how to overcome these difficult lecturers. Mathematics has taught that every problem has a solution. Many students’ efforts are constantly been frustrated as a result of these kind of lecturers.

I must let you know that no matter how difficult lecturers might be, there are still some students who are very close to them. The question now is “how were they able to break the code of these lecturers toughness?” He does not smile with you, but he smiles with some students. You always fail his/her courses but some other students do extremely well in those same courses without sorting. This matter should get you seriously thinking because your lecturers have a big say in your life. If a crazy lecturer is out to deal with you, it will be a pity on your side.

Many students, most especially the female ones think the only way to get mark form lecturers is by sleeping with them. You must not offer and exchange your body for grades. Therefore, the points I have outlined below are relevant for both male and female students. If you give it a trial, you will be happy you did.

I have outlined some simple but real steps on how to overcome complex and difficult lecturers. If you apply these tips, very soon all your lecturers will start smiling with you and your result will also be smiling. Severally, I have met students who complain about a particular lecturer. In fact, in some cases, once they hear that the result for the previous semester is out, all they are interested in is to know their grade in that lecturers’ course. There are some lecturers who are really difficult, but there are some who are not. It is just that some of them pretend to be difficult lecturers, but if you go close to them, they are not. These are the few point for your consumption.

Attend all lecture and seat in the front: The very first step to overcome difficult lecturers is to always attend their classes. Not just attending their classes but sitting at the front seat. The reason is because the more they see your face, the more they know you better. There are some lecturers who are naturally gifted to the point that whenever they see your face, they will recognize you any other place. If you have a problem in a course and you approach the lecturer for help, the first thing he will do is to confirm if you are his student. Thus if you are always at the front seat, it will be an added advantage because your face will no longer be strange to him. Even if your lecturers do not know your name, ensure that they know your face. Always seeing you in classes will convince him that you are a serious student. Thus if you have any issue, it will not be hard for him to help you out.

Perform well in their courses: If you must overcome difficult lecturers, you must always perform well in their courses. Truth be told, there is a kind of grade you score in a particular course that the reverse will become the case. The lecturer will come looking for you himself. And as such the both of you become friends. Observe carefully that in most cases, it the average and dull students that have issues with lecturers. You will hardly see a first class or second class upper student having issues with lecturers. If you must break the code of your difficult lecturers, then you must ensure that you perform very well in their courses. By so doing, you will be on the advantaged side.

Ask questions: As much as been present for lecturers is important, ensure you ask questions frequently. This is the fastest strategy to make your lecturers know you. But then, you must ensure that you do not ask silly questions like many students do. It irritates many lecturers. Ask meaningful questions and by so doing, those difficult lecturers who have problem with smiling will begin to smile with you. From smiling, the relationship will graduate to laughing. Lecturers love when students ask them questions. This will prove to them that you are really understanding what they are teaching you.

Visit them in their offices: To overcome difficult lecturers, visit them in their offices once in a while. Remember that if you have issues with your lecturer, you are the one to suffer it. Your lecturer has graduated many years ago and you are still in school. Try as much as possible to visit them. If for nothing, to briefly gist with them, ask them questions or even run few errands for them. If you can do this one very well, you will never score less than a B in the lecturers’ course. Make friends with your lecturers. One of the secret of been a successful student is to love all your lecturers and courses.

Send them complimentary messages: Learn to send complimentary text messages to those seemingly difficult lecturers. If they have birthday, send them nice messages and if possible, publish their birthday on your Facebook timeline and tag them. These are little things that helps a big deal.

source: by CHIKA CHUKS

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