How To Generate RRR Number (Remita Number)

What is RRR...? 

RRR is the 12 (Twelve) digits number you generate from the portal in order to fund your wallet... 

Some students are finding it difficult to generate their RRR (Remita Number ) 

Here are the Steps to be taken to generate your RRR easily 

 Log in to your Portal ...

Click on Manage Wallet.  A Pop up will appear to you as seen below 

 Click on Load Wallet as seen above...

Fill the requisition form it may bring and the amount you want to pay in the bank..after that 

Click the Select payment type and select BANK BRANCH  as seen below 

Lastly, Click Pay.. and you will be redirected to the 12 digits numbers which is your RRR..

Don't hesitate to copy the number and headed to bank and make payment..


Make sure you make the payment as soon you generated the RRR because of validity....


  1. Please I need help I try to log in but they are telling me that my name is not on the list program

  2. It is saying server error since

  3. Pls instead of me to choose bank internet,I choose bank branch pls what can I do next?
