Announcement - Public Holidays Affects The Ongoing E-Examination

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The Federal Government has earlier today declared September 1st and 4th as public holidays for the Muslims to celebrate Eid Kabir.  Following this declaration, the management of National Open Unversity Of Nigeria (NOUN) realized that it will affect the ongoing 2017_1 E-Examination.

The management hereby scheduled papers or exams for Day7 (Sept 2nd,2017) and Monday Day 8 (Sept 4th,2017) will now be examined or have been shifted to Wednesday Day 22 (Sept 20th,2017) and Thursday Day 23 (Sept 21st,2017) respectively.

Saturday Day7 (Sept 2nd,2017) ------------------ Wednesday  Day 22 (Sept 20th,2017)
Monday Day 8 (Sept 4th,2017) ---------------  Thursday Day 23 (Sept 21st,2017).

That means that all exams have been successfully postponed to the date stipulated above.

Comr Abu.

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