Facts To Know About Second Semester

It is no news that SECOND SEMESTER has already started, I want to give the following advice and mind you it's my own opinion:

  • New students registration has started so you can pick up your form and process your admission, it is advisable to take all things into consideration before you go for a course.

  • Returning students can do their portal registration this involves no fee

  • Returning students should not rush about their registration, it is advisable you see your result before you register and if you are so desperate to register pls leave some units for makeup courses after you see your result.

  • 200/300 level students should have it at the back of their minds that they will be doing their IT, TP or field trip this level so plan for it.

  • If you have laptop pls download your course materials and start reading, you don’t need to pay school fees before you have access to it just visit nouedu.net and get them but if on the other hand, you don’t have a laptop look for the other easy way to get your materials. (you can chat me up about that)🤙🏼

  • Course and exam registration have started so you can go ahead and start planning on how to make your payment and register and don’t forget the flexibility of NOUN makes it possible for you to pay bit by bit so don’t have a sleepless night over getting all your fee at once.

  • Have it at the back of your mind that NOUN is flexible so the pace of student is individual, that is, Please try and go through your portal before you register courses and make sure you are doing what is needed for you and not registering courses pasted around groups.

I wish you all the best in the new semester.

from: Macmos

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